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时间:2024-12-11 08:19 点击:125 次



  In Tengzhou, Shandong, there is such acustom: when eating fish, people do not eat the fish head. A warm story was behind this: since the upper part of the character “Lu“ is “fish,“ not eating the fish head means not eating the “head of Lu,“ expressing admiration for “Sage of All Crafts“, Lu Ban.


  Lu Ban, a native of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn period (his hometown is Tengzhou, Shandong), had the surname Gongshu and the given name Ban. Since “Ban“ was interchangeable with “Ban“ in ancient times, he is known as Lu Ban.


  The Inspiration of the Saw from a Grass Blade: Driven by a Heart of Compassion


  Born into a family of craftsmen, Lu Ban grew up participating in many civil engineering and construction labors with his family. He always paid attention to observation and practice and sympathized with the working people. Many of his inventions facilitated their work. It is said that once when he went deep into the mountains to cut trees, he slipped and his hand was cut by the leaf of a wild grass. He picked the leaf and gently touched it, finding that the leaf had serrated edges. Lu Ban was inspired: if there was a tool with such serrated edges, it could quickly saw through trees! After many experiments, he finally invented the sharp saw, greatly improving work efficiency.


  The Ingenious Stone Mill: Alleviating the Toil of Laborers


  According to the ancient book “The Origin of the World“, the stone mill was also invented by Lu Ban. Once, Lu Ban saw an old lady grinding grains with a wooden stick bit by bit. Lu Ban used two relatively hard round stones, each with a dense array of shallow grooves, combined them, and used human or animal power to make it rotate, thus grinding the grains into flour. It is said that the plane, curved ruler, drill, chisel, and ink line were all invented by him. These practical tools liberated people from primitive and heavy physical labor.


  Ladders and Hooks: Reflecting on the Value of Military Inventions


  According to the “Mozi - Gongshu“ chapter, Lu Ban once designed a siege weapon called the “cloud ladder“ for the State of Chu. The cloud ladder was tall and sturdy, able to be positioned on the battlefield to reach the top of city walls, assisting soldiers in their ascent. At the same time, Lu Ban also invented a tool called the “hook,“ used in naval warfare to hook enemy ships and prevent them from escaping. Later, according to the “Mozi,“ Lu Ban clearly stated, “I stand firm in my principles and resolutely refuse to take a life“, and stopped making weapons or tools for warfare.


  In the legends passed down through generations, Lu Ban is the embodiment of skill and the wisdom of the working people. The spirit of Lu Ban is not only the relentless and meticulous spirit of a craftsman but also the selfless dedication to the well-being of the people. Today, as more and more “Lu Ban workshops“ cross mountains and seas to take root in Asia, Europe, and Africa, Chinese wisdom is gradually spreading around the world, benefiting more people.





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